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Deck Out Your Front Porch

You don't have to go full Clark Griswold to step up your home's curb appeal this holiday. Decking out your front porch with natural and festive elements is a welcoming way to show your Christmas spirit without annoying your neighbors. Here are some ideas to get you inspired!

Image: Kelleynan

Porch Tree

Real or faux, a front porch tree will certainly give off a jolly vibe. Wrap around some LED lights and put them on a timer for that magical twinkle at night.

Porch Planter

DIY a planter filled with a mix of fresh cut greenery. Add a big red bow for a bold pop of seasonal color.

Image: Front Gate

Natural Greenery

Gorgeous natural greenery, classic lanterns, and candles are the classic ingredients for a lovely holiday porch.

Image: Randi Garrett Design

Ditch The Red

Tired of the red and green? How about creating a sparkly front porch with white and gold. White poinsettias and inexpensive ornaments give this lovely entrance a luxurious look without breaking the bank.

Image: Liz Marie


Christmas is the perfect time to repurpose old toys or turn your rustic junk into porch decor to create a heartwarming entrance full of holiday nostalgia.

Make creating the home of your dreams part of your holiday wish list. Call Adolfson Interior Design at (651) 468-6208 or email

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